Mythical Creatures Online

Mythical Creatures, Eru and Gwaai is a creative collaboration between Arcana Studios of Canada and Kiwa Digital of New Zealand that crosses national boundaries, drawing on the rich mythology of each nation to create a fantasy world inspired by indigenous cultures.

This fantasy world is inspired by, and our creative interpretation of, stories told by indigenous peoples Haida First Nation of Canada and the Māori of New Zealand. It is brought to life in a series of four motion comics, a multi-lingual interactive app, and a set of discovery worksheets.

By bringing indigenous characters to life, and by making resources available in indigenous languages, we aim to spark an interest in the child’s whakapapa - connection with the past and the land - that family and educators can encourage.

Kiwa Digital is a world leading production house for experiential digital books based in New Zealand, Arcana Studios is Canada’s largest publisher of comics and graphic novels with a global reputation for its work in film and video. The project is funded by the Canada Media Fund and NZOnAir.

All resources can be found on this site.

Whakapā mai

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Kiwa Digital The world’s leading production house for experiential digital books.

Kiwa Digital Ltd
Victoria Park Market,
Auckland 1010,
New Zealand

+64 9 925 5035