October Features: Halloween #2 – Not-So-Scary Strange Stories of Strange People

Oct 14, 2020

We couldn’t hold off. Today we want to highlight some titles in a group we affectionately call Not-So-Scary Strange Stories of Strange People.Check out these 5 excellent titles to get in the spirit of All-Hallows Eve, and don’t forget to follow the creators and share their work out to your corner of the world.

*Content has been edited*

2. Dr. Herbert West & Astounding Tales of Medical Malpractice, Arcana Comics

Dr. Herbert West, both a local town doctor is extraordinary and young boy with a habit for experimenting. One experiment goes too far and we get a fun and charming story of mad science, hungry zombies and… sugary cakes? How long before the zombies run out of cakes and start eating them?!

Written by Bruce Brown
Art by Thomas Boatwright
Letters by Erik Hendrix
Edited by Dwight L. Machpherson
Chapter art by Madeline Milden
Chapter colors by Franceso Segala

See full list here.